- Smart label printer 650 import full#
- Smart label printer 650 import software#
- Smart label printer 650 import professional#
Smart label printer 650 import full#
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Speak with an Optimedia Labs expert to determine which printer will best suit your needs. If you are unsure whether or not this product is right for you, Optimedia Labs specializes in on-demand label printing and can offer assistance. The sleek, compact and contemporary Seiko Smart Label Printer 650 weighs approximately one pound, so it can fit in virtually any space.
Smart label printer 650 import software#
In addition to the easily accessible software program, the printer comes with several extras. The application is easy to set up and use, and it can be accessed through Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and Outlook. The enhanced smart label software provided with the printer makes designing, formatting and printing labels straightforward and fun. With the 300 DPI resolution and nearly four inches per second of printing speed, this machine generates top-quality specialty labels that rival professionally designed products. The redesigned Seiko printer has been enhanced to deliver even more impressive results. The Seiko SLP 650 uses direct thermal printing technologies, which means inks, toners and ribbons are not required. The printer software even provides tools for designing customized labels. Switching labels and designing high volumes of stickers will no longer be a vexing task with this machine. Because the label paper is self-contained, it won’t wrap around itself regardless of the size.

The device is easy to load, and the guide provides accurate lineups with every use. This Seiko Smart Label Printer (SLP) delivers quick, reliable and flawless printing. It’s easy to swap label rolls and print different types of labels as well. The SLP 650 is capable of printing a single sticker or numerous labels at once. Users can create address labels, name badges, file folder labels, appointment labels, receipts, security labels and more.
Smart label printer 650 import professional#
The device generates sharp, well-defined and professional labels in a matter of seconds. With its user-friendly features, printing labels on the SLP 650 couldn’t be easier.Ī variety of labels can be used with this printer for creating countless label designs. This thermal printing device easily connects through a USB port to a variety of computer operating systems, including Mac OS, Windows or Linux. Labelmaker is perfect for food labels, address labels, folder labels, shipping labels, name tags and more.The Seiko Smart Label Printer 650 has the qualities fans of the brand appreciate, but it has been enhanced with even more superior printing capabilities. Smart Label software supports Microsoft Excel, Outlook, Access and Word. For fast, personalized name tags labels, this software also imports images captured directly from your computer's camera. Use your own images by importing from existing desktop files, or use copy and paste to import images from your computer's clipboard.

Smart Label Printer software gives you the tools to create great-looking labels and allows you to specify where to place text, graphics or bar codes. User-friendly design makes it effortless to load or change labels for quick replacements. 300 dpi and close to 4"-per-second printing performance allows it to flawlessly handle your specialty label printing requirements. Labelmaker features ultra-reliable, direct thermal printing technology that eliminates the need for ink, toner or ribbons for a simple way to tackle all your everyday printing needs.